Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bombay to Goa

Every time I travel, I always remember the film Bombay to Goa.
The funny thing about traveling in India is the more you adjust more you enjoy !!
It might be a lot of head ache if you are in hurry,
but if you have a lot of time and a bit more money ;) then you can surely enjoy.

Like in the film Bombay to Goa, the person will always wonder whether the journey will ever finish.

One I traveled in a passenger train to Hyderabad, the people in the train were with their whole family ( 8 - 10 ) people, and were eating almost everything that was available in the train.So rather than ordering one dish in a hotel they were trying every possible option in the menu card available in the train!!!
Thats the way you should enjoy journey, like Shahrukh Khan did in Swades !!

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